A Cantiere Europa egyesület és a Római Városháza „Attori in cerca d’autore” címû, fiatal drámaíróknak meghirdetett fesztiválja 2003 szeptember 20-án a római Teatro Brancaccio-ban egy nemzetközi estet rendez, melynek keretében ifjú európai szerzõk mûveibõl olvasnak fel olasz színészek.

Korhatár nélkül, olyan szerzõk jelentkezését várják, akik a drámaírás területén kezdõnek számítanak, mûvüket eddig nem adták elõ.

A szerzők kiválasztásához a szervezők egy 18-20 perc alatt előadható összefüggő monológot várnak lehetőleg olaszra fordítva. A magyar szöveg olaszra fordítását ők is megoldják, amennyiben a szerző ezt kéri és kifizeti.

A szövegeket a következő e-mail címre várják: tommy.tommy@inwind.it beküldési határidő: 2003. július 15.

Felvilágosítást ugyanezen a címen, vagy a 00 39 347 7901935 telefonszámon ad Tommaso Vecchio.

European festival of Theatrical Authors


2003 edition

The festival ACTORS IN SEARCH OF AN AUTHOR was established in 1985 with the intent of creating a kind of “gymnasium for authors”. It rapidly brought itself to the attention of the Italian theatrical panorama by compensating a lack in identifying, promoting, and appreciating young Italian authors. The value of the scheme, which increases progressively, was enhanced when it received the IDI (Italian Drama Institute) prize with the following compliment:

“It makes up for institutional shortcomings by staging, on its own initiative, the texts of new authors.”

Created and directed by actor and director Ennio Coltorti with the support of ETI (Italian Theatrical Board) and film director Alessandro D’Alatri’s “Panorama Production”, each year the festival presents unedited theatrical pieces, which were specifically commissioned from young Italian authors.

Programme purposes and achievements
Since the birth of the project, and during the fifteen years of its uninterrupted presence in Rome’s most prestigious theatres (Quirino, Valle, Ghione, Tendastrisce, Brancaccio), it has achieved numerous important accomplishments:

 Through the programme it was possible to launch and give a chance to:
 More than a hundred new authors among whom are Simona Izzo, Edoardo Erba, Claudio Lizza, Giuseppe Manfridi, Annibale Ruccello, Paolo Virzě
 Almost fifty new authors/actors including the likes of Claudio Bigagli, Duccio Camerini, Margaret Mazzantini, Vincenzo Salemme
 Approximately two hundred emerging actors, some of whom have received acclaim including Luca Barbareschi, Fabrizio Bentivoglio, Claudio Bisio, Sergio Castellitto, Massimo Ghini, Maurizio Mattioli, Rocco Papaleo, Paolo Rossi, Sergio Rubini, Massimo Wertmuller

 It has favoured “experimental” encounters that have produced important collaborations (from the festival have emerged successful comedies and movies like Ultrŕ, La Stazione, Piccoli Equivoci, Manola, Operazione, In barca a vela contromano, etc.). Additionally, the visibility allowed by the festival assured the presented single act plays to be performed throughout the country: many of them were and still are staged across Italy.

 The spirit of art and craftsmanship emerging from the festival allowed more experienced actors to use the collaborative and social aspect of their craft to allow the younger ones to confront themselves closely and with equal opportunities with generations of more consolidated and fully experienced actors (an example of this is constituted by the presence of prestigious names such as Giampiero Bianchi, Emilio Bonucci, Roberto Herlitzka, Dario Penne, Rita Savagnone, etc.). Furthermore, numerous professionals of the theatre, film, dubbing, radio and television industries have always guaranteed their presence as judges or interested audience.

The festival, beside its role within the Italian theatrical panorama, has always been the subject of the attention from other media. Numerous television and radio reports have concentrated on the event, progressively increasing their coverage during the years and resulting in programmes that deal exclusively with the festival (RAI). Coverage is assured in the daily and periodical press, and specific texts have been printed by the publishing house Il Ventaglio. Two publications of the “Ridotto” (“The Reduced”), edited by SIAD and Ei Editors, have also been dedicated to the event. Year 2002 edition was transmitted by Stream Television.

New “European” Perspective
While continuing on its path of promoting and scouting new recruits in the Italian theatrical world, the organisation aims to open up to the rest of Europe. The theatre is one of the means that can favour mutual awareness and stimulate social and cultural integration in Europe, these elements being part of the immense human wealth of the Union. For this reason, it appeared natural to abolish pre-existent boundaries and open the programme up to the rest of Europe.
ACTORS IN SEARCH OF AN AUTHOR would like to become a point of exchange, formation, promotion, and production within the theatrical context in Europe; and most of all as a mobilization for the young practitioners in this field.
This reason makes comprehensible the presence among organizers of the Cultural Association Cantiere Europa, directed by Rome’s Borough Council Clerk D’Alessandro, wich operates for European countries culture integration.


This is the festival formula: selected monologues there will be presented in two evenings, performed on stage in Italian language, directed by Ennio Coltorti and performed by Italian actors willing to collaborate with the event. The first evening is dedicated to the emerging authors from various european countries, the second to italian authors.
Foreign selected authors they will be invited in Rome during the festival (jouney and accomodation in charge of the organizers) with the intent of stimulating the exchange of ideas and theories among young European artists. The operation is of such cultural value that the Municipality of Rome is going to provide support for the realization of the festival.

The Italian organizers of the festival ACTORS IN SEARCH OF AN AUTHOR are currently searching for points of reference with young European authors.

If the project introduced in the following document is of any interest to you, please contact the Italian organisers in order to establish measures that might help to broaden the topic.

Entry guidelines for the contest of 2003:
The competition is opened for Monologues lasting 18-20 min, in Italian language (charges for the translations will be at the authors’ expense). Interested authors must send their texts by mail not later than July 18th. The Festival will take place in Rome, Teatro Brancaccio, september 20th and 21 th. 1.000 euro prize for the winner.

Art Director
Ennio Coltorti

Send texts and any information request to the european coordinator:
Tommaso Vecchio
mail: tommy.tommy@inwind.it - ph. +39 347 7901935

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