Worldwide Week of Theater Playwrights!

You were hundreds of structures to participate in the first two sessions, hundreds of relay points scattered throughout 38 countries that have staged plays, lectures and debates during the seven days proposed and renewed by the organization... and that outwardly shared their pictures, videos, texts and experiences through this fabulous technology which is Internet.

Other than the 40,437 video connections through during the 2005 Week, these exchanges over the Net have given place to physical, artistic and friendly theatrical encounters in many countries.

We now have seen that Internet is an invaluable step towards encounter, another way to facilitate sharing or diffuse theater works and information on a global scale freely. This is why  we are happy to renew the Worldwide Week of Theater Playwrights from Monday march 20th to Monday march 27th 2006!

IMPORTANT POINT: Our wish is, whenever the technological conditions allows it, that each key actor approaches its multimedia local center so that every cultural action can be filmed and broadcasted (streamed) over the Internet; our website being the centralizing and linking point towards these WebTV and other Webcam systems (Audio + Video) or any equivalents.

Various WebTV Channels will then be available at thus allowing the internet user, no matter his/her language, to freely chose a video program: Marseilles, Paris, Tunis, New-York, Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro, Ouagadougou. A website that will regroup --other than the WebTV links-- all the actions carried out around the world. Don't hesitate to let us know about your program or action by sending us your work and information using this e-mail address, so that we can establish a live connection when the moment comes, thanks to our videoconference setup, our interpreters (english, spanish, portuguese, arabic, italian..) or simply through our phone center.

Our Web-master, Christophe Xicluna offers to explain to all those who wish, how to use Internet technology to combine Audio and Video. You can reach him at the following phone number: (+33) (0)4 42 49 01 91 or (+33) (0)6 60 55 18 15 write an e-mail at

Why is it it important to film your actions and diffuse them over the Net?

Because the biggest national theater will never total 40,437 spectators over a one week span! Furthermore, the Internet 'window' allows a world-vision diffusion at a low cost. In other words we can enjoy just as on TV the choice of video programs as well as an internet audience that increases exponentially every year: it would be a shame to deny ourselves the joy of it!

Transmit us your actions with (readings, debates, plays) to count them on our Internet site and to inform the Net surfers of your program. We establish ourselves your participation cards, thank you to indicate us: name and first name, your structure name, addresses, Internet site, addresses E-mail, telephone number, and if possibility of filming your actions via the Net (Webcam, Web Television...).

Dedicated to travel abroad, our headquarters are established once again, and for our greatest enjoyment, in the Cultural Center of La Castellane (Marseilles, France), our main partner. This international Theater-Inernet center is technically operational thanks to the support of the Espace Culture Mulimedia of the Town of Martigues and France Telecom - Wanadoo, our technical partners.

No matter where we are, no matter our level of work, our country, our social origin, our color, or once again the means that are at hand, let us associate our cultural will and the know-how of those who master Internet technologies as to enlarge the theater works' visibility and enable the living playwrights, the assistants within their area, the internet users wether they are just curious or passionate, to meet in another fashion!


Fabrice RAINA,
president of Auteurs de l'Ombre.

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